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Power on the First Page: The Importance of SEO in Business

by Aug 20, 2014Marketing, SEO

A website without SEO, is like a business hiding in the woods – the importance of SEO.


According to Google, 97% of consumers look to a search engine when they are looking for a good or a service. They want to find the most relevant information, quickly. It is for this reason that Google and other search engines evaluate each website to determine which pages would actually be useful to the user. Hence the importance of SEO and a websites ranking.

Search Searching Online Network Website

Where does your website rank in a Google search for your product or service? If it isn’t on the first page, you could be losing out on a ton of business. 33% of traffic from a search on Google goes to the first listing 1. The importance of SEO doesn’t stop there, most users never even leave the first page of results, which is only 10 websites. If your website doesn’t make the cut, you are bound to lose out on valuable search traffic.


SEO is more than keyword stuffing and overall word counts.


This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes in. With the right tools and the technical know-how, it is possible to make sure that your website lands in the top spots for a number of keywords.

Goat on top of mountain

One of the first steps to make this happen comes from the design of the website itself. When search engines look at your website, they evaluate the connectedness of your site’s links, how quickly your page loads (slower websites are considered to be less relevant), the number of coding errors, and a host of other parameters. Simply having a well-designed website can do wonders for your placement in an organic search.

The other power-player in the SEO equation is the actual content of the website itself. Search engines look to see how relevant the user’s keyword is to the actual content of the site. Through strategic use of keywords throughout in your web copy, you can boost your organic placement in web searches. 

Keep your website safe, follow the best practices of the major search engines


Does that mean that achieving the number one search engine spot is simply a matter of cramming keywords? Absolutely not! The importance of SEO and proper SEO practices are evident because search engines can tell when you are trying to manipulate them through keyword jamming. Even worse, your users can spot it plain as day. If users see these practices, they are less likely to share your content. Having high quality website content, solid, SEO, optimized graphics, and a number of other factors can turn your website into a powerhouse in search engine organic searches. And the importance of SEO is now understood.

Is your company’s website tuned for SEO? Could you use the extra traffic that comes from being on the first page of an organic search? Call THE AD COMPANY at (320) 774-1400 to get started!



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