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A Guide On Content Marketing

by Feb 19, 2018Marketing, SEO, Websites

The future of your business depends on an effective content marketing strategy.

A Sneak Peek into Content Marketing

Content is a well written form of communication tailored towards informing a specific type of audience for a purpose. Content is important because it is current, original, interesting and not plagiarized.

What is Content Marketing? According to The Content Marketing Institute:

“Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.”

Content marketing strategies. Media, news releases, articles, web

So, what does that mean, exactly? Reaching out to prospective clients with adequate content and material. Some very popular – and very successful – mediums are social media, blogs, and infographics, etc. Simply put, feed the eyes and minds of your prospective audiences with quality content marketing. Content marketing involves bringing value to prospective audiences through a number of reliable ways.


Catch the Drift? Three Major Steps In Content Marketing!


With content marketing, we help our clients reach their goals while attracting the right audiences to their businesses. At the Ad Company, we help you and your audiences feel very satisfied with our services in three major ways:


Goal setting and strategy

We analyze the summary of our client’s needs and wants, as well as that of their prospective audiences to effectively fashion our skills towards their goals and success.


Plan development

After assessing the client’s current material, we then work to not only develop a plan that reaches out to prospective audiences but one that also allows these audiences reach out to our clients quickly through our incorporated SEO skill.


Plan promotion and execution

Lastly, we help our clients reach their goals by helping them promote their business through the several forms of digital marketing tools available. Constancy monitoring and adjusting/improving campaigns.

Check out our Content Marketing Services…

Woman searching website content for information to purchase from business

Online Content


With content marketing, creating online content is one of the most important parts of digital marketing. Not only does it show that you know what you are talking about, it gives you a sense of authority. Being a “thought leader” in your industry can significantly help your business by bringing in people who are looking for new and relevant information about your industry. When they identify with your content, you and your business will then be on the readers’ minds. It is said that it takes 3 exposures to turn a casual browser into a customer. Putting your original, engaging, well-thought-out content out there will “hook” your customers, bringing them in for a second look. When they are presented with a need for a product in your industry, whose business will come to mind? Yours!

close up of person writing blog


  Blogging can serve as a great way to bridge the gap between your company and the consumers. Blogs give your organization a more personal feel that can be more easily relatable to your audience. Done correctly, a blog can reinforce your brand and entertain at the same time! For a blog to be a powerhouse content marketing tool, the best place to host a blog is on your own website. Don’t worry, most websites can have a blog added to them easily. A blog with high-quality blog posts can turn your website into an inbound marketing machine!
woman reading ebook



eBooks are a great way to show the expertise of your company and increase customer understanding and trust. In terms of content marketing, providing your customers with a better understanding of how your product or service fits into the general field, you increase the value of what you provide. An informed consumer is more likely to choose your company.
Modern businessman using content marketing.



Video is perhaps one of the most effective tools for content marketing. Creative concepts and engaging content is presented in a video format to give the audience something tangible to connect with. Using cutting-edge technology and a highly-skilled team, videos can be created to grab attention and present your business in a way that audiences can take in bite-sized pieces. Humans are very visual creatures, after all!

Website listing tips and tricks for users

Tip Sheets


A tip sheet is exactly what it sounds like: a publication that contains the latest tips and relevant information. It is a very effective content marketing tool to inform your audience about a specific topic related to your business. Having a plethora of information available on your website, including tip sheets, can be invaluable because it establishes you as a business that is on top of the latest news and hot topics in your industry. Tip sheets keep your audience constantly tuned into what your business is sharing.

cropped shot of young woman working with white papers at office

White Papers

  White papers are another form of publication that your business can use in your content marketing plan to share knowledge and information. They are generally about a general topic related to your business. From technical and informative to persuasive and humorous, creative high-quality white papers are important in engaging your current customers and attracting new ones. White papers are another way to boost SEO and gain credibility and trust in your industry. With a well-written white paper, you will show potential customers you are an industry expert and are capable of doing what you claim you can do.

Fun 4 Kids infographic



Pictures, they say, speak more volume than words. Infographics are a highly informative and visually graphic form of content marketing. In which bite-sized pieces of data and information are presented in an eye-catching and easy-to-chew format. Due to the rise in popularity, infographic sharing and linking rates are off the charts. Infographics give your website an excellent source for acquiring high-quality back-links. More back-links mean a higher rating on searches! Having stunning infographics will make your data and facts stand out to consumers and help develop your brand image.

What’s the Bottom Line?


Content marketing is about reaching out to potential customers using information that is original, engaging and relevant. Attracting and converting your target audience with content that relates to them and their needs. In doing so, you create a relationship with your customers that keeps them informed and interested. Simply put, feed the eyes and minds of your prospective audiences with quality content marketing and their informed decisions will keep them coming back to you.

Turn your website into a conversion powerhouse

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